We are all made of stardust!

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Knights Park works

I am pretty sure that everyone has noticed these images of what our campus will look like soon. We've all seen those white wooden boards that cover the windows and make us feel like in a kind of a prison only because we shouldn't be able to see what's happening in the yard. However we are provided with visualizations all around and in the building about what to expect. For me personally the project is very interesting because the yard (which won't be a yard any more) will have a purpose now and it will be used. No more mud and ridiculous sculptures (sorry, my opinion). What looks like a canteen/bar or library (not really sure) will replace the grass area within our campus. 

Looking forward to see that finished. Alongside the regeneration of the area in front of the Student Office this one looks really great. 
On the other hand at the very entrance of the campus there are other works taking part. So far I've seen just digging, bulldozers taking tens of cubic meters of soil. The hole is 5m deep I can estimate. A steel frame of a kind around the hole?! Future will tell. The thing that bothers me is that I've been a student for 2 years now. As far as I remember this is the third major building works that take place. It seems like as soon something 'new' was done there is a new proposal coming and that 'new' thing is instantly demolished to be replaced by another 'new' thing. For example the bike racks have been 3 different types as far as I know. My point is that this is a waste of money. I support all kinds of innovations but ... that's too much. 
Anyway, I don't make these decisions. Will leave it to professionals!


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